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Impact & Sustainability

Do you donate to nonprofit organizations seeking cash grants/product donations?

Yes! We donate cash and product to organizations who support progress in environmental stewardship (biodiversity, habitat protection, etc.) as well as diversity & inclusion in the outdoors.If you are a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization who feels you fit

Where do you make ReRoam gear?

Much of our ReRoam gear is stitched right in our homebase of Bend, Oregon. We’ve partnered with local seamster, Tailgate Industries, to localize production and fulfillment of our ReRoam gear, further reducing our carbon footprint.

What is the difference between upcycling and recycling?

Upcycling is the process of taking products or materials that are considered waste and repurposing them. For instance, taking an air mattress destined for the dump and stitching it into a utility mat.

Why are upcycling and recycling important?

Recycling and upcycling are different processes. Recycling breaks down a material before creating a new product, for example, sheets of aluminum that are recycled and then eventually manufactured into aluminum cans. Upcycling skips the breakdown step